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Aging Stars and Robert Osborne

Most of us who love old movies, and collect, get to see the stars alive on the screen and it means different things to us, gives us different feelings. It is hard to image that the stars we adored and still do through their work, would age gracefully or sometimes terribly, it is hard to sometimes understand they experience much in their lives, sacrificing time with their families and loved ones to entertain us on the big and small screen. It is often heart breaking to realize that they may have been dealing with illness themselves and making films was a temporary escape from whatever problems they were dealing with. We remain to have a few stars with us to continue entertaining us in the modern and changing age. The truth is we aren't going to live forever and neither will they, some passed away before their time and some passed away even in old age.

We immortalize them in film and gracing covers of magazines and other forms of media, the society pages of the rich and famous, the press photos, any and everything with them we hold on to. It is a great way to honor them, but how far are we going to dishonor them? we may not mean to do it because there were things we loved about them, they place of birth, a nickname, variety of talents outside the film studio, charity work, military service, entertaining the troops. We even read horror stories of their lives outside the screen, their lives didn't define their talents and their humanity, we sometimes get caught up in their mistakes, love lives and lifestyles. They were regular people, just like you and me, they wanted to share what they had with us and we should be grateful. to think of what they would say if they thought their fans were selfish and self absorbed. I think there is a teenager in us all, we cant physically be teens anymore.

On another note I have watched TCM for a number of years off and on, watching the intros of Robert Osborne, his style and class, presenting us with some of his favorite films and sharing his knowledge with us, he had an insight that the community misses, he left the world with a legacy we adore, but he would want the film world to move on and continue to cherish his wisdom, again becoming self absorbed in changes made to the TCM network, the intros, new faces. TCM was designed to be creative force in showing old films, classics are being redefined in a changing age, we must either accept the change or consider becoming our own personal film historians. Start our own collections and libraries. some people will never accept change no matter what it is, but sometimes we need something new to continue to polish something old.


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