When you think of people that are Missionaries, certain images come to mind about these people and their works. We sometimes fail to realize in their humanity to care for other people, they exposed themselves to illness, failures, and all kinds of hurts, in the end they become recognized, sometimes their works don't hit headlines at all and are discovered in other ways, through other people sometimes. Sometimes Missionaries also are labelled as Ambassadors through causes and charities. When it comes to films, these people show us that through the most difficult of times and situations we can over come feats we never thought, they even show us that people in the world still care about us and what we think about, how we feel and what is close to us. The stars often put themselves on the line to bring out the best in biographical versions of people who made a difference in real life and people that just wanted to reach out and help. In real life they sometimes continued good works, ...
Classic Cinema, old movies and their storylines, from Film Noir to Father and Daughter, Any and Everything